Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cyber Communication

The world is getting to be all about technology. You have all these websites that you can communicate with everyone in the world. No one uses letters anymore. No one uses the phone anymore. It’s all about the computer. Soon, you won’t be able to use anything but your computer. But it’s not like it’s not hard to log onto Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or anything like that. It takes two minutes to find your friends, and talk to them about whatever. But it also takes two minutes to find someone and stalk them. You have to make sure everything is private if you don’t want other people to see it.
I believe that everything has come to a progress but, some things have been a problem. I love to use the computer, but I’m also very scared that someone is going to find my ip address and find where I live. I am safe using the internet, but sometimes things can get out of control on the websites I use. There are also websites that you can talk and see the other person like Omegle, and Chat Roulette, which can end in bad stuff.
Mostly I think it has been a progress, but it also can be a problem.

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