Wednesday, June 16, 2010

P.A.A camping trip !

P.A.A was so much fun this year. We had some good laughs and learned a lot. We learned about computers, photography, and a lot of camping skills. On Monday we went to Good Spirit for our camping trip. We had a lot of preparation for it, and made sure we were ready to go for one whole night... We did a few activities. When we got there we ate lunch, and then we did pond studies, witch was my favourite part ! We went into the little ponds by the roads and caught tadpoles and frogs. We had some good laughs during it. Next we went geocaching. We used the GPS's to find beads around Good Spirit it was pretty fun, but i didn't do very good. After the activities, we had supper. We had hamburgers, mushrooms, and potatoes. After that we played a few games. We played capture the flag, and dodge ball. It was a lot of fun. Then Mr. Mac and Mr. Spicer bought us all ice cream ! Then for the rest of the night we just chilled in the campsite. It was fun for a while then we got into the drama. But besides that. At 11pm we had to go to sleep, of course no one slept for very long ! We got in trouble a bit for being loud but that is alright. In the morning we had breakfast then we went on our two hour hike in the sand dunes. It was so much fun, we had to walk through a lot of water though. At first everyone was screaming but after a while we just said screw it and went in the water every time we could ! After we got back, we had lunch and took down camp, then we went home. The bus rides were really fun as well. I learned a lot during P.A.A this year, and had a great time !

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cyber Communication

The world is getting to be all about technology. You have all these websites that you can communicate with everyone in the world. No one uses letters anymore. No one uses the phone anymore. It’s all about the computer. Soon, you won’t be able to use anything but your computer. But it’s not like it’s not hard to log onto Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or anything like that. It takes two minutes to find your friends, and talk to them about whatever. But it also takes two minutes to find someone and stalk them. You have to make sure everything is private if you don’t want other people to see it.
I believe that everything has come to a progress but, some things have been a problem. I love to use the computer, but I’m also very scared that someone is going to find my ip address and find where I live. I am safe using the internet, but sometimes things can get out of control on the websites I use. There are also websites that you can talk and see the other person like Omegle, and Chat Roulette, which can end in bad stuff.
Mostly I think it has been a progress, but it also can be a problem.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Interview's and Holidays

My interview was alright, we didn't talk about much. I got a 89.2% average. Thats .8 percent away from a gold honor roll. That I am not too happy about. We talked about greenall next year, and how I may want to go to Southey school, but it won't happen. I am very excited for high school next year, but I don't kno why, because it will be much harder than elementry school.

My easter holiday was awesome. A lot of the time, I spent my time with friends. I stayed up untill 5 on monday, and 7:30 on Tuesday. On the weekend, I had a dance competition, and did pretty well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Term 2 !

Term 2 is basically over! Report Cards are on Friday, and I'm really excited ! I am doing pretty good. I know I have 80's in LA and Math which is GREAT! :)Science fair is now over and I did pretty good, but not the best. I didn't get any awards or anything, and I didn’t go to regional’s, which is a good thing, because I don't like science fair! AT ALL! For computers I'm not doing the best I could, because 75% isn't good enough for a person who usually gets 90's. I'm trying to finish my science fair website so I can get a better mark for next term. I am really really hoping for gold next year, but I just don't know if I can work that hard for a mark that won't really do anything to my final mark. We only have 3 months of school left and then we get to go off to Greenal. I am really going to try and bump my mark up to 80's and 90's. I want to follow the footsteps of my brother Justin, not my others who got 50's and 60's. I am very scared for high school, but I will get through it!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grade 8 Term 2

This term is going great! I have been getting pretty good grades, but I could be getting better ones. I am really hoping for a gold honor roll this term and next term. Science fair has been going pretty good, I have finished my report, and I'm almost done my website. I am actually kind of excited for science fair. I really hope I can go to regionals this year. I am very excited to say, that we only have five months of grade 8! Then we get to go to the big kid school. I am very excited, but also very scared. I kinda need to get my grades up so I can get a good education and a good job.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Grade 8.

I am finally in grade 8 and very excited. I have Mrs. Werner and Mr. Purdy as teachers and their awesome. My goals this year are to get Gold Honor Roll. I need to work hard to get my good grades. I have made many friends and regained many friends aswell. Im very excited for this year.! This is my last year at Pilot Butte and i need to end this year with a BAM ! :D

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Ski Trip.

On march 4th, The grade 6-8's went on a ski trip. I had lots of fun. I only fell once, but i also took alot of breaks, so it looked like i fell but i didnt. My favourite run was the Green Circle, Which is the easist, but longest. The only bad part about it is that i got Wind Burn on my face and now my face is really red. But other then that it was loads of fun.