Wednesday, June 16, 2010

P.A.A camping trip !

P.A.A was so much fun this year. We had some good laughs and learned a lot. We learned about computers, photography, and a lot of camping skills. On Monday we went to Good Spirit for our camping trip. We had a lot of preparation for it, and made sure we were ready to go for one whole night... We did a few activities. When we got there we ate lunch, and then we did pond studies, witch was my favourite part ! We went into the little ponds by the roads and caught tadpoles and frogs. We had some good laughs during it. Next we went geocaching. We used the GPS's to find beads around Good Spirit it was pretty fun, but i didn't do very good. After the activities, we had supper. We had hamburgers, mushrooms, and potatoes. After that we played a few games. We played capture the flag, and dodge ball. It was a lot of fun. Then Mr. Mac and Mr. Spicer bought us all ice cream ! Then for the rest of the night we just chilled in the campsite. It was fun for a while then we got into the drama. But besides that. At 11pm we had to go to sleep, of course no one slept for very long ! We got in trouble a bit for being loud but that is alright. In the morning we had breakfast then we went on our two hour hike in the sand dunes. It was so much fun, we had to walk through a lot of water though. At first everyone was screaming but after a while we just said screw it and went in the water every time we could ! After we got back, we had lunch and took down camp, then we went home. The bus rides were really fun as well. I learned a lot during P.A.A this year, and had a great time !