Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Term 2 !

Term 2 is basically over! Report Cards are on Friday, and I'm really excited ! I am doing pretty good. I know I have 80's in LA and Math which is GREAT! :)Science fair is now over and I did pretty good, but not the best. I didn't get any awards or anything, and I didn’t go to regional’s, which is a good thing, because I don't like science fair! AT ALL! For computers I'm not doing the best I could, because 75% isn't good enough for a person who usually gets 90's. I'm trying to finish my science fair website so I can get a better mark for next term. I am really really hoping for gold next year, but I just don't know if I can work that hard for a mark that won't really do anything to my final mark. We only have 3 months of school left and then we get to go off to Greenal. I am really going to try and bump my mark up to 80's and 90's. I want to follow the footsteps of my brother Justin, not my others who got 50's and 60's. I am very scared for high school, but I will get through it!