Monday, September 28, 2009

Grade 8.

I am finally in grade 8 and very excited. I have Mrs. Werner and Mr. Purdy as teachers and their awesome. My goals this year are to get Gold Honor Roll. I need to work hard to get my good grades. I have made many friends and regained many friends aswell. Im very excited for this year.! This is my last year at Pilot Butte and i need to end this year with a BAM ! :D

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Ski Trip.

On march 4th, The grade 6-8's went on a ski trip. I had lots of fun. I only fell once, but i also took alot of breaks, so it looked like i fell but i didnt. My favourite run was the Green Circle, Which is the easist, but longest. The only bad part about it is that i got Wind Burn on my face and now my face is really red. But other then that it was loads of fun.